I’ve been planning this post for quite a while now but really wanted to know what works best for me. It’s no secret that lately I’ve been all about the glow make-up-wise. So I’ve been trying a few products to achieve my personal glow goals and realized that I needed to postpone this blogpost, Why? Some products worked just as I just was hoping that they would and there were other products that needed more time. Further I also realized, that I needed to work on my skin to achieve a glow just naturally without any make-up so I would be happy with the outcome personally.

Maybe I’ll explain where all this is coming from. For everyone who want’s to go straight onto my personal recommendations, please just skip this paragraph. For all the others: Here’s my story. I’ve spent several years trying to mattfiy my face just to cover-up the oily parts. About five years ago it just started to end up looking like a total desaster. Why? My skin-condition was changing, I was beginning to sweat a lot (more than I normally would the years before) and all kind of powders just didn’t seem to work the way they would. I’ve tried changing to other products but it just wouldn’t give me the finish I wanted. I looked greasy and I wasn’t happy with the way my everyday make-up was turning out. Also, I didn’t want to skip the part and look like I’ve been spending hours in a steaming bath. I’ve dealt with it for some years and in the past two years I was lucky enough because it looked like the JLo Glow was having a major comeback. BINGO.

So instead of mastering how to mattify my face I challenged myself to achieve my perfect glow goals. My sweat condition was or is my natural glow but just in a really bad way. So I mastered how to play with a combination of highlighters, masks, serums, oil control to be happy with the result personally again. I’ve been trying a lot of products and I want to share my favorites with you, that worked for me and my skin. As I said, I also managed to control my sweating game a little bit by really trying to drink lots and lots of water and changing from really rich moisturizing creams to oil free ones – at least I feel like that the moisturizing part also helped a lot).



I figured out that before applying make-up or anything on my face, I needed something that already would give my face a little bit more radiance to sheer through the products that I would use on top of it. I’ve been using this FOUNDATION PRIMER by LAURA MERCIER for a while now and I’m super happy with it. It makes my skin glow so much and it’s perfect for just concealer or light-make-up kind of days. I also found out, that it works best for me if I just slightly tap the product into my skin. Funny thing is, that I’m usually not really into primers because I just think they don’t do much or I just don’t see any differences when it comes to my pores. For me it has always been an additional layer of something that makes me sweat. It definitely is on the pricey side but a little lasts a long way. I literally apply like half of a pea-sized drop for my whole face. For me: Definitely a must have for all glow lovers!


And here’s a product that I already loved before trying. I just had this feeling that I’d love it and it didn’t disappoint me. (Lol, Kiehl’s never disappoints). The KIEHL’S GLOW FORMULA SKIN HYDRATOR is one of the product I was living for by using it one time. Like the Laura Mercier Primer before, it works best for me and my skin when I slightly tap the product into the skin. This is literally what I use for no make-up days just to look more awake and fresh and it really has become such a favorite I can highly recommend this! But also here: A little goes comes a long way. I’ve heard some people not liking the product because they would look too dewy and I think they just applied a little too much of the product. I normally only need !/2 pump. This is my everyday choice when I don’t wear make-up (which I haven’t for ages now during summer). I can also apply this product underneath my make-up but I prefer to just wear it on its own and use the Laura Mercier Primer before applying make-up.


I’ve been testing different masks for an article for work over a period of for weeks and really didn’t know what to expect. But as you can guess I was really amazed by the product or else I wouldn’t include these KINGIRLS MASKS to my favorites in this blogpost. They are super hydrating and leave you with the perfect glow after using them. I also feel like the glow lasted for about three days. My co-worker also was impressed by the masks and then told me that KinGirls masks Victoires de la beauté award and it all made sense then. They are for sure not inexpensive but they are totally worth the money. When I was testing the masks and shared it to the story of maximamagazin, I also mentioned that I have sensitive skin and it worked totally fine on me. There’s just something I have to say: I just spoke with a friend which has super sensitive skin too and it didn’t work for her. Let’s keep in mind that we all have different skin conditions and even if it worked for me and my sensitive skin, it doesn’t mean that all the products listed here would work the same on yours. Anyways: The masks smell like heaven and are super easy to use. Some of them even have like little loops, so you can tuck them behind your ears and the stretch will give you that extra lift.


I’ve been living for this combination for a while now. If you have been reading my blog you know that I used the no. 7 highlighter for ages but I actually ran out of it so I was looking for something similar that would’t let my pores appear too big and give me the perfect amount of glow which is a lot of glow. My glow goals don’t know any limit lol. I loved the colors of the URBAN DECAY SIN AFTERGLOW PALETTE ever since I received it as a sample and love the highlighter palette so much. Most of the time I use the colors PSA and PARANOID. But even if the palette is bomb, it depends on my skin condition which is slightly different every single day. So sometimes I feel like I just need to add something that makes it look more dewy and more natural. That’s when I use this illuminating drops on top of the highlighter. I figured out that the combination of these products just give me the perfect glow that I am actually going for. I switch between the GOSH LUMI DROPS  in the color rosegold and the GLOW MON AMOUR HIGHLIGHTING DROPS by L’Oreal depending on if I want to wear blush or not.


I include rose water into my night routine and after applying everything on my face I finish by spritzing a bit of rose water onto my face. It’s also extra hydration for the skin and smells like heaven! You can actually get rose water in our drug stores now but I buy mine in my asia shop. I sometimes use it as a toner too when I feel like my skin needs a little bit of extra attention.


This is the product I’ve been using for the shortest period but really got me. During my vacay I visited Finca Canaries and learned so much about the healing plant aloe vera and actually got myself a few products. The only thing I knew before I visited Finca Canarias is that it is actually pricey and can be used for sunburns. When I posted this on my Instagram-Story, Christl also told me to get some products and without even trying that’s when I knew this would be bomb. I use pure aloe vera gel for my body and face and I’ve been naturally glowing and actually got a lot of compliments on my skin lately. I also realized a change and my skin never looked so hydrated, smooth and radiant. But please make sure you get the good stuff because there is a lot of shit they sell on the market. It’s like designer bags: If it’s too cheap you know it’s not the real deal. Normally I would not buy something if I wouldn’t be sure how to get more of it when it’s empty because I really don’t like looking for alternatives when I really like something. But when the lady there told me that they have an online shop and would ship to Austria, I went straight to the cashier.


Last but not least: The Holy Grail. I’m sure some of you have been waiting for this product in the list. To be honest I really wasn’t sure if the hype is real but I knew I had to try it. So when they announced that the holy grail of fixing sprays just came out with a version for the extra glow I went to the next MAC store to try it. I actually was sure I would go for the pinklite because normally it complements my skin a lot more. I asked for assistance because I really liked the way both of the colors looked on my skin and finally decided to go for the goldlite, because it gave me that little tiny extra portion of glow in comparison to the pinklite. When I was ready to purchase, they told me it already was out of stock so my co-worker Lana and I ordered online and we both love it. I also feel like on hot summer days it just fixes the way I look when I’m all sweaty already and makes me look more put together again. And let me tell you: When the sun rays hit you, you feel like a goddess! I don’t think that I need to recommend you this ’cause you know it’s good, right? I also spray this on my face without any make-up on 😛

These were my top favorites which I’m sure you have already seen on instagram. I wrote this post to share my experience with this products with you in case you were thinking about getting one of these products. As I said what really helped me is a combination and a long time of experimenting with my skin to find my perfect routine to achieve my #glowgoals. I’m sure that make-up wise there are a lot more products that can give you that glow that you want, but for me these just work perfectly fine. I’ll give you an update on how my skin currently looks like in my instagram-story very soon so make sure to follow!

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